Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Romantische Bewegung. Sex, Shopping, Liebesroman. Alain de Botton. In this witty, innovative novel of a modern relationship, de Botton explores the progress of a love affair from first meeting to breaking up, intercut with musings on the nature of art and love. Loading interface About the author. Alain de Botton books Alain de Botton is a writer and television producer who lives in London and aims to make philosophy relevant to everyday life. He can be contacted by email directly via www. It's a style of writing that has been termed a 'philosophy of everyday life. The style of the book was unusual, because it mixed elements of a novel together with reflections and analyses normally found in a piece of non-fiction. It's a book of which many readers are still fondest. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. In case you can't tell, I love all of this guy's stuff. Fascinating, insightful, deliciously well-written. Escort Girl Gives Herself guy GETS relationships. Their complexity, their imbalance, their transient natures. And this particular book, more than any of his others thus far, captures certain concepts that I have often experienced, and thought about, but felt certain were unique to me. He understands my and probably many other people's approach to feelings. Why we like who we like, though we often shouldn't. Why we're liked by who we're liked by, though we wish we weren't. I could not recommend it more highly! I read this book in one sitting, and it reminds me of spending a day with a particularly insightful friend, who casually sizes up the motives at play between people of a particular character, throwing light on Escort Girl Gives Herself experiences in the process. Similar to Milan Kundera, Alain de Botton uses fiction in order to build on his ideas. Only for de Botton, the narrator muffles the life between the characters with his more pressing need to dissect their psychological motives. The storyline mainly concerns the protagonist Alice's love life, although it tries to shift the camera to other characters that, in protection of Alice's point of view, it doesn't portray with respect but this is really a backdrop for de Botton's aptitude for defining the factors at play in a typical 24 year old's romantic scenario. I particularly enjoyed the interplay of brief symbolic images into the text, which meshed well with the way in which de Botton writes in order to catalogue and unpack the motives at play in people. Despite the perhaps ill-suited form which the book took, every other sentence gave an "ah hah" moment, and reminded me of something de Botton wrote about Stendhal: "Stendhal once compared introducing ideas Escort Girl Gives Herself a novel to letting a gun go off in a concert hall, and even outside the genteel world of the concert hall-novel, it is still thought best to cloak advice as other things - to render it abstract enough to become Sartrean philosophy, Symbolist poetry or a Scandinavian motion picture. A more melancholy way of looking at the history of sexual technique was to read in it a history of disappointment. The word power typically signifies a capacity for action But in love, the issue appears to depend on a far more passive, negative definition; instead of looking at power as a capacity to do something, one may come to think of it as the capacity to do nothing Pentru ca am tot citit carti mai profunde zilele astea, seara trecută am vrut sa-mi aleg o carte relaxanta si amuzanta. Am vrut! N-am nimerit! Povestea de fata este oricum, dar nu amuzanta. Si nici relaxanta.
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