ABR is a unique therapy which rebuilds the strength, structure and function of the body. Sam in his wheelchair, me walking behind him pushing the wheelchair. That is 2x from Amsterdam to Barcelona. Meaningful fitness for me, but what did all those kilometres mean for Sam? Shoulders, arms, neck and head are all under control, while everything beneath his navel does not respond well to his brain. His legs hardly move. So Sam has an excellent excuse to stay seated. You would say, the more comfortable he is the better. Maybe some shock absorption under his seat or extra soft tires, so he does not feel all the bumps? He becomes less alert, waves less cheerfully with his arms and makes fewer noises. If I walk on the side walk or on a paver path, alertness, arm movements and sound usually return. I therefore choose my routes accordingly: poorly maintained sidewalks and paver paths on our way. And Sam is not alone. Many children or adults in a wheelchair experience the vibration through the bumps as something positive. I have known this for a long time and I have seen it with many wheelchair users. Body tissues need specific stimuli to stay healthy. Because Sam does not move or hardly moves anything under his navel, all the tissues there are underdeveloped. Muscle tissue for example: if you do not exercise regularly, your muscle mass decreases quickly. When a top sport athlete has been hit by the flu for a week, he can forget about his medal. Bone tissue is also underdeveloped if it receives insufficient stimuli. More than one hundred years ago the German anatomist and surgeon Julius Wolff described that bone is formed under the influence of compression. An example: if you do not take regular steps and therefore do not get firm pressure stimulation on the feet, legs and hips, then the bones in the feet, legs and hips will not develop properly. When I walk behind the wheelchair of Sam I build good bones. Sam does Bilecik Twitter Seks Gay, the stimuli through the bumps are probably not strong enough for better bones. All connective tissues in your body also deteriorate due to lack of movement and stimuli. And those connective tissues are much more important for the functioning of your body than is usually assumed. Connective tissue surrounds every individual cell, but it also surrounds small groups of cells and finally entire organs, blood vessels, nerves and muscle groups. It keeps everything together Bilecik Twitter Seks Gay provides all cells with nutrition and disposes the waste. A healthy adult has about 20 kilograms of connective tissue. That is a big risk for people like Sam, where the movement is stopped by the lack of control from the brain. Walking over bumps probably stimulates the connective tissue. The stimulation can be split into short term and long term effects. All vibrations are picked up by the nerves in the connective tissue that are specialized in posture and movement abnormalities. This information is then sent to the spinal cord and brain. This mechanism works from the first bump. The vibrations caused by the bumps also form biomechanical input for the connective tissue structures. The body will respond to this by giving a counter-reaction, in this case by providing better nutrition to the connective tissue and ensuring that the tissue becomes more resistant to the vibrations. The shrinkage of the connective tissue will decrease and that too will make it likely that Sam is better in his skin. ABR does something similar with rubber sticks. They tap on body parts so that a specific vibration enters the body. The body has to react to it biomechanically; this reaction is independent of brain control. The transformation of weakened connective tissue to a healthier state is a slow process.
Why Sam likes bumpy rides - ABR Therapy Ahmetaslantepe3's profile. Sevişmeden seks yapamam bunu bilin de yazın Bandırma da yaşıyorum Pasif Gay'im mesajlarınızda kendinizi tanıtın lütfen. 1K Followers, Following. See tweets, replies, photos and videos from @bilecikap24 Twitter profile. Bilecik ve çevresinde pasif ap yada genç a var mi. Canlı Radyo Dinle | escortolgunbayan.onlineHoşçakal Zeynep Başkan. İsim, Şehir, Hayvan Erel Eryürek Canın mı istedi gel seni doyurayım der. Joël Vernet Ed. Alman Ev Kadınlarının Kirli Anal Fantezileri Anal , Büyük Meme , Hardcore , Milf , Orgazm , Sarışın Bense zevkten kivraniyor, her iki hikayeminde sonunda artik Türkiyedende birileri ile tanismak istedigimi yazmistim önceki hikayelerimi okuyanlar bilirler, ve birden çekıldı.
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