To browse Academia. The Polar Regions, which are of great importance in legal, political, and economic terms, have sensitive marine ecosystems. Although the poles are far from the settlements because of their geopolitical position, they play an important role in making the world habitable, in the formation of climates and clearing the air; they attract strategic attention by combining the hydrocarbon reserves and important trading points they hold. In this context, many states aim to make progress in technology and to observe their national interests by establishing scientific bases in Polar Regions. Fart eskort kapı fitilleri Arctic, one of the Polar Regions, is one of the waterways connecting the trading points, so the region is drawing more attention day by day. The Arctic region being one Fart eskort kapı fitilleri the parts of the world that have not yet been shared and that is under no absolute sovereignty becomes the source of tensions from time to time due to the uncertainty of their jurisdiction. If this legal gap cannot be resolved as a result of the failure of states to reach a common point, it can be said that there will be very large conflicts specific to the region soon. In recent years, some of the opportunities and even advantages arising as a result of the melting of glaciers in the Arctic are considered to be a significant development that has led states to claim rights in the region. Therefore, the Arctic emerges as one of the potentially problematic areas worth exploring and researching. This issue includes articles that examine the content, dimensions, elements, and effects of the change in the Arctic and offer solutions for the future. The special issue gives priority to authentic articles studying the multidisciplinary aspect of researches in the Arctic such as energy, international trade and logistics, environmental problems, cooperation, and conflict resolution, security studies, maritime delimitation, global politics, ethnic conflicts, migration, and refugees, transportation, regional crises, international organizations, protection of the marine environment, sustainable development, and nuclear tests. This is the first Polish book to examine the international relations in the Arctic region from a truly multidimensional perspective. This volume pp. The main scientific objectives of this book are to investigate the multidimensional background and multifaceted essence of the processes and developments in terms of cooperation and rivalry taking place in the Arctic region in the first decade of the 21st century and to evaluate their importance for further development of the international relations on the regional and global scale. It is hoped that this distinctive collection of original contributions by leading Polish specialists will provide the starting point for future development of the Arctic research in social sciences in Poland and will offer a valuable basis for more active participation of Polish researchers and scholars in international debate about the Arctic. This book is also edited with an intention to facilitate scientific synergy Fart eskort kapı fitilleri to advance interdisciplinary dialogue among all members of the Polish polar research community. Fart eskort kapı fitilleri article attempts to present what seems to be of critical importance to the planet in terms of the influence on the life of all of us, namely the current changes occurring in the Arctic, as well as tries to show how complex the issue is. The work also tries to prove that the leading entity governing the Arctic, i. In addition, the work endeavors to describe briefly the extremely aggressive policy of China towards the Arctic, a fairly new country with the permanent observer status in the Arctic Council wishing rather desperately to obtain a "chunk of the pie" in the division of Arctic riches, seemingly targeting especially Greenland as of late. The author attempts to present the complexity of international relations and diversified interests of separate countries and organizations, as well as evaluates some potential developments in the Arctic geopolitical sphere. Fortunately, with more attention comes more knowledge as well. Several scholars have now debunked the notion of resource wars in the North, due to the sheer size of the areas in question and the fact that the Arctic states already have ownership over most of these areas, through the Law of the Sea regime. The Arctic at the Crossroads of Geopolitical Interests the authors analyze the arctic strategies of the united states, the north atlantic treaty organization natothe European union Euand russia. Many states are showing a growing interest in the development of the Arctic. According to existing law, only the five countries that directly border on the Arctic-Canada, Denmark, Norway, the United States, and Russia-have the right to exploit its shelf. China and Japan would also like to participate if the legal regime governing development of the High North changes. Different states' interests in the Arctic and their understanding of the shelf boundaries often collide. For example, Finland and Sweden, which have no direct outlet to the Arctic Ocean, take the view that the Arctic states, in striving to "divide" the region among themselves, are pursuing a shortsighted policy that is destabilizing the regional situation. These countries regard the natural riches of the Arctic as the. The enduring global warming has opened new views of exploitation of the Arctic. Although the cooperation between the nations has been peaceful, the military presence in the area is increasing and it Fart eskort kapı fitilleri to be seen how the recent Ukrainian crisis will affect the development in the area. As for now, no major conflicts in this area are likely and cooperation is supported by international treaties e. There are several international disputes and also perils related to the Russian Federation, being major player there. Russia builds multidimensional capabilities, including military and economy ones, to support national interests. Over 25 years after the end of the bipolar world in international politics 'New Spheres' have appeared and 'New Perspective' has come to be discussed. The driving force of this phenomenon is based on a simple and cheaper access to natural resources, which has been made possible by environmental changes, global warming and the decomposition of ice blocks.
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