In Zambia, where the agricultural landscape once flourished, fields are now desolate. Crops wither under relentless drought brought on by El Niño, leaving 84 districts in crisis. Some 6. The impacts are everywhere to be seen. Once lush fields of green crops are now dusty brown tracts of withered stalks. Businesses and restaurants have shut their doors. Livestock look weak and emaciated. These are just a few of the visible impacts of the prolonged drought that is turning the lives of millions of Zambians upside down as people face serious issues of food scarcity, livestock and crop loss, and escalating economic hardships. In response to the mounting crisis, ZRCS launched the Drought Cash Assistance Program in Chikankata District in November a critical initiative aimed at helping families survive the severe drought. Through this program, 5, families receive Zambian Kwacha roughly 20 US dollars per month for four months, allowing them to meet immediate needs like food and water. The impact extends beyond Chikankata. Since Augustover 5, households have benefited, with access to essential farming supplies—maize, okra seeds, and fertilizers—that offer them a way to revive their livelihoods. This initiative empowers local farmers to bring life back to their land, giving them a chance to rebuild and restore their communities. With approximately 1. Ninety-year-old Musambo Sianjonkoma, unable to seek food on her own, says the support has had a profound impact. In Sinazongwe, farmer Wisdom Lubinda received maize and okra seeds and other support for winter crops. For year-old Anita Maalila from Upper Kaleya, Luleburgaz Escort Bayan Twitter drought meant the end of her small restaurant—the only income source for her and her two children after her husband left. Declared a national disaster, the crisis decimated agriculture and left Anita struggling with small-scale farming to survive. Hope arrived through the emergency cash assistance program. With Kwacha a month, Anita plans to grow potatoes and maize to rebuild her livelihood. The support from the appeal is key to providing the cash transfers and crop support, which help protect what little people have left while offering a foundation on which to rebuild. We are already responding with emergency cash transfers, food distribution, and hygiene kits, but we urgently need your help to scale up our support and reach the most vulnerable communities. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Home African Business A lifeline amidst drought: How the Zambia Red Cross is bringing hope to families on the forefront of the climate crisis. A lifeline amidst drought: How the Zambia Red Cross is bringing hope to families on the forefront of the climate crisis African Business. By On Dec 19, Trending Stories. Luleburgaz Escort Bayan Twitter Reading. You might also like More from author. African Business. Prev Next. Leave A Reply. Sign in. Welcome, Login to your account. Forget password? Remember me. Sign in Recover your password. A password will be e-mailed to you.
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