To browse Academia. One of the cultural objects produced as a part of daily life in different geographies and all civilizations is cloth fabrics. Cloth, which has a lifetime in human life, is a fabric whose material is usually cotton, linen, hemp or a mixture of these yarns. Flax fibers produced in the Western Black Sea were used in the production of these cloths. While this type of weaving was initially made entirely with linen yarn, today it is continued using linen, hemp and cotton fiber. These cloths were used in clothing and household needs without any decoration, plain or by embroidering or embroidering. Today, linen weavings can be turned into souvenirs, decorative and home textile products for sale, not for necessity. It is known that flax and hemp production was abandoned in the Black Sea Region after the s due to many reasons such as the increase in cotton industrial production, the fact that cheap and easily accessible textiles became more preferred, and hemp-hemp cultivation was banned in the s. In addition to these reasons, the increase in business opportunities with the developing mining and industry in Zonguldak, the laborious process of linen-hemp production and weaving have also been effective. Some studies are carried out to redevelop and maintain linen weaving in the region. Body-friendly linen cloths, which have such a long history in our country, have become sought after with the developing consciousness in today's world. In order to contribute to the maintenance of this local art and to prevent its extinction, linen weaving has been the subject of this study. The research was limited to Çaycuma, Alaplı and Ereğli districts of Zonguldak. The catalog was created by examining the product types made from linen cloths 2017 Ekim Agza Bosaltan Kadikoy Olgun Escort in the 20th century. With the tools and materials used in the weaving of these linen cloths, interpretive designs with the theme of coal mine were made with an artistic point of view by using the colors and materials of the region. Fethiye, a district of Muğla province, is an important center in which flat weaving activities have been carried out for a long time. Weaving activities in Fethiye include the dye of yarns and the production of flat weavings via a variety of weaving techniques such as kilim, jejim, sili. There is not a professional marketing of flat weavings. However, there are families weaving make to order. Today flat weaving in Fethiye has lost its former importance. However, weaving is still in progress as a handcraft of indigenous. In this paper, demographic characteristics of weavers, weaving purposes of weavers, information related weaving preoccupation, yarn, pattern, loom supplies, weaving techniques, the general properties of the woven materials, the current problems and solutions have been analyzed and the current status of flat weaving in the district of Fethiye has been presented. The nomadic people in the Middle East used animal tisue and stems in order to protect their bodies from outside effect and started to use angora wool instead of sheep's wool to set up tents 2017 Ekim Agza Bosaltan Kadikoy Olgun Escort that angora wool is longer and thicker than sheep's wool made nomadic tents first out of angora wools then by using plain weaving technique. Ancak, Traditional linen fabrics were woven from fibers of hemp which is an industrial plant. By this way, approximately thousands linen fabric rolls were produced yearly. Rize linen fabrics were very famous. Indeed, the Janissaries, members of the Palace and even the Ottoman Sultans wore dresses and underwears from this fabric. On the other hand, the Istanbul Shipyard Tersane-i Âmire and the Ottoman Navy's needs such as hemp cloths, oakum, twine and rope materials were sent from the region. The fabric was demanded by the people who were living in hot climate regions, especially because of its cooling feature. Indeed, a significant amount of linen cloth was exported to Iraq, Syria, Hijaz, Egypt and Yemen provinces or regions. Therefore, this sector was a kind of commercial weaving and there was a production based on large-scale and inter-regional trade in the Eastern Black Sea region. Linen weaving has become the most important branch of local industry and also one of the main sources of livelihood of local people. However, linen weaving began to lose gradually its former importance since the second half of the 19th century, with the spread of abundant and cheap cotton fabrics. There are some elements of folklore and sociocultural remains derived from the hemp cultivation and weaving in the region. For example, some villages and family names in and around Rize are related to hemp cultivation and linen weaving. The sector also brought along some sectors such as dying and bleaching. With these aspects, hemp weaving has become an important cultural element shaping social life of Rize and around. The article examines linen fabric production and trade with its effects to the social and cultural life of the region. Silver fortress which were found in the archaeological excavation in Alacahöyük, sumak and cicim weaving clothes which were found in Gordion and which belonged to phrygions,weawing clothes which were found in the excavation which were carried out in Çatalhöyük which is in Konya and which belonged to Neolithic Age allshow that weaving has improved in Anatolia. With the help of aforementioned weaving clothes, one can take weaving history in Anatolia to 7 th Century BC.
Zonguldak Keten Bezi Dokumacılığı ve Yorumsal Dokumalar
Porno yıldızı katty west striptiz yapıyor ve striptiz yapıyor - Nota bilen müziğe döküyor, ti-. *Kutlama mesajlarının dışında dini konulara girilmemeli. Röportaj ve Televizyon programlarında konu ile ilgili. Gün geçmiyor ki, Kadıköy'ün yaşamakta oldu- ğu kentsel dönüşüm süreci, sanatsal bir üretime tema olmasın. (PDF) MODA 3 EYLÜL | Osman ÖNDEŞ - escortolgunbayan.onlineAncak genel itibariyle Böylece yöre dokumacılığına sanatsal bir bakış açısı kazandırılmıştır. Bu parçaların gerek teknik gerekse desen ve renk yönünden oldukça karmaşık bir el tezgâhı çalışmasının ürünü olduğu belirtilmektedir Arlı, 5. Keten Bezlerde Kullanılan İplik Numaraları. Yağ keteninde tohum kapsüllerinin fazla bulunması istendiğinden dallanmayı temin için seyrek ekilmektedir.
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